Monday, May 28, 2012

Lettuce Update And Photos

Green Leaf Lettuce
Rain, sun, and longer days are perfect for success! My flowers are in bloom and the lady bugs have arrived! They seem to like my Green Leaf Lettuce.

Lady Bug on my lettuce
It is beautiful and bug free thanks to my little Lady Bug Friends. It was slug free thanks to a dry April and May.

 Green Leaf and Buttercrunch Lettuce 
Not sure why I find the Lady Bugs on the Green Leaf and not the Buttercrunch, but I will be planting more Green Leaf! I planted the above lettuce April 2, 2012, started harvesting May 18th and still harvesting. I cut the outer leafs of the green leaf lettuce and continue harvesting until it starts to go to seed. The Buttercrunch I harvest when the head is ready to pick...TASTY

Red Sail, Green Leaf and Buttercrunch Letuce
I always plant some lettuce in pots in early spring. If we have a wet April and May the slugs won't get to the lettuce. It is risky to put in the ground this early, although this year was dry and my lettuce I planted in the garden was slug free. I planted my pots March 30, 2012 and started harvesting April 28, 2012

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