Tuesday, March 6, 2012

About Yukon Gold Potatoes

Time To Buy Seed Potatoes 
"Yukon Gold Potatoes"


They have many other varieties if you feel adventurous.
Yukon Gold’s are wonderful for baking, frying, make great mashed potatoes, and fabulous potato soup!

   Yukon Gold Potatoes are out! A little early to plant, but buy them before they run out. I bought mine today at Portland Nursery, and they look great! www.portlandavenursery.com The eyes are young, so they will store nicely for a few weeks before you need to prepare them for planting. I recommend you buy this weekend and store them in a dark cool place. 
     Some potatoes turn grayish under certain cooking conditions. Yukon Gold resists graying and in fact will often turn an even brighter color when cooked.

I will post how I prepare for planting Soon!

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